Below you find some (standard) letters to opinion leaders.
standard letter 1
Some letters sent:
Cassandra, Seneca, communication...
Email sent to Mr Bouduain Kelecom and Ms Orlà McLaughlin of ExxonMobil on 9.6.2008
Letter to Mr. David J. O'Reilly
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chevron on population growth
Letter to Mr Charles Collyns of IMF 5 May 2008
Letter to the Editor Mr Andrew Gowen of the Financial Times, London, 10 February 2007
Swiss Reinsurance Company - Climate Change and Sustainability - Email to Swiss Re, Zürich
Mail sent to the World Economic Forum on 5 Sept. 2006
Email sent to Mr Paul Krugman, economist, columnist at the New York Times, 21 April 2008 Email sent to Mr Martin Wolf, economics editor of the Financial Times, 09.01.2008
Email sent to Mr Lionel Barber, editor of the Financial Times, 9 January 2008
Letters sent to Mr André Schneider, Managing Director of the World Economic Forum on 28 February and 18 June 2007
Letter publised in the Financial Times, London, 14 February 2007
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