Scénarios temps - croissance stop...  e  |  d 

Ci-dessous vous trouvez des développements possibles.Cependant, ces scénarios soulèvent des questions importantes, auxquelles il faut répondre. Vous trouvez les questions les plus fréquantes ici.
La graphique extérieure montre le développement sur une durée de 2 milliards d'années.
La graphique dans l'encadrement bleu montre les années depuis les débuts de l'agriculture, quelques 400 générations ou 8000 années.
Des êtres humains avec nos capacités ont existé au moins depuis 75000 années, ce qui correspond à 3000 générations de 25 années.
L'ère moderne commença autour de 1750, étant seulement 10 générations en arrière.

Modern time with our explosion of populations and resource consumption started around 1750, that is 10 generations ago. Present world population size is 6.5 billion (2006) - and growing at a rate of 80 million a year. Compare facing the future with on-line population counters. Resource consumption and depletion is growing relatively faster than population growth because of economic growth.
This explosion has occurred because of the easily available fossil energies and technological developments. The end of fossil energy is not too far off - one to three generations, maybe four. Then our life styles will readapt of low levels of resource consumption and population sizes. The tiny orange dome represents the total past and future fossil energy used by humans, till about 2100. Population size and energy use will reduce because of overexploitation of resources, pollution and their consequences. Technology won't help since it also requires resources which are being exhausted. The open question is which key resource is depleted first and will then lead to a collapse of the present structures. A grim future lies ahead. Unless we decide to halt growth and convert back to a low resource use society. We will count ourselves lucky if full-scale resource wars can be avoided.
The below graph shows the development - past and possible future - from 1900 to 2100.

The utimate scenario could well be - but God forbid! - the flooding scenes as pictured here ... albeit not limited to the blacks or colored people. We believe climate change will also hit the white-collared whites.
Voir également scénarios et concerne ecoglobe.
growth table de croissances Wachstumstafel - feedback réaction Rückmeldung
ecoglobe stop... since 1997