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die heutige Generation

Wir setzen uns für die Umwelt ein......

So what? Almost all of us want to save the environment. So what's the big deal?

Sure. But we have a different approach - democratic and radical. Our starting point is the environmental reality, rather than economic and social theory.

The desire to lift the standard of living of the planet's poor people to western levels may be honourable.

But we should consider that
  • our planet is a globe and does have limits;
  • the earth is overpopulated and humanity is overconsuming the planet's resources;
  • economic growth means an increase in the consumption/depletion of resources which are already scarce - such as water, food, a normal climate, space, arable lands, fossil energy, etc. (even though most economists still claim this is not true);
  • every Euro spent on development of a poor country toward a better life must be compensated by an equivalent reduction of our exuberant lifestyles in the rich part of the world. Only then will we not increase the pressure on the planet.
  • since we are overloading the planet we must reduce our consumption of resources and our population size;

    We take it up from here [programme...] and promote these notions to the the people and the opinion leaders.

    - das Volk -
    haben die Macht
    die Politik
    zu ändern.

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