backback ecoglobe basics Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation
Stormy weather... Mitigation and adaptation... It seems clear:
Climate change is man-made, happening here and now, and probably unstoppable.
Adaptation will require huge investments in defensive structures and the restructuring of production and distribution infrastructure.
Mitigation aims to prevent and reduce the damage done by the effects of climate change.
The big question is how effective the proposed mitigation measures are in reality.
The mirror image of the so-called "green economy" and the Kyoto mechanisms: the reality mirror image... Quite simple: The rationale for ("free") trade is economic growth. The implications of growth are more greenhouse gas emissions, leading to increased climate change. This can be global warming. It can also be a changed pattern of rainfalls and drought areas. Either way it will probably disrupt our lives at an ever higher frequency. Ultimately we will no longer be able to repair the damage or "mitigate" the effects of climate change.

The Kyoto mechanisms are either useless or they have the opposite effect of increased emissions because of the economic growth they generate.
Useless are the carbon emissions trading. Their only affect is financial gains for the traders.
Harmful are the so-called "Clean Development Mechanisms" and carbon offset programmes because no development can be clean.
Hope in the sand ... to be washed away by the next flood...
Conferences offer no solutions because the delegations are only interested in protecting their economic positions. The "results" are yet more promises of reductions. under development (2010) > click to comment


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